A Day at TNPC

Children are given educational opportunities throughout the day that include large and small motor development, creative expression, social interaction,  and cognitive growth.
A typical day in a TNPC classroom will include the following activities:


Meeting Time

At meeting time, the group sings a hello song, and children hang up individual name tags. A feeling of community is built through sharing ideas, listening, recognizing one’s own and peers’ names, increasing vocabulary and learning to talk in a group.


Snack Time

Parents are required to provide snack for the class on a rotating basis throughout the school year as part of the parent co-op. Snack is set up family style so that children can learn to pass food, pour drinks, clear dishes, wipe up spills and become more independent.  At snack time, teachers sit with the children to talk about the day, share news, try new foods, and practice using good table manners. Parents are welcome to visit the class on their child’s selected snack day. Children are encouraged to eat snack but are not required.


Free Choice Time

During choice time, children are encouraged to use the materials and areas in the classroom and to get involved with special projects and activities. It is a time for planning one’s own time, working independently or in small groups of their choosing, learning to make choices, problem solving, and learning to care for the classroom.  A wide variety of learning tools are used and children will experience language skills, mathematical thinking, scientific thinking, sharing and taking turns.


Group Time

Group time is a time for singing songs, using instruments, reading stories, participating in group games and discussions, establishing group cohesiveness, listening, and following directions.


Outdoor Playground Time 

Part of each day includes time to play outdoors. It is a time for children to work on large motor skills: running, jumping, climbing, riding bikes, and interacting with other children and peers. The playground is shared by all classes. Children will be taken outdoors everyday unless there is inclement weather (heavy rain, lightning, or below 0 degrees)


Gym Time

Tenney Nursery has a gym for large motor activities. Each classroom has a scheduled time to use the gym if they are unable to use the playground due to inclement weather (heavy rain, lightning, or below 0 degrees.) Teachers can also choose to have their class use the gym for other activities during the day.


Lunch Time

Children bring their own lunch tote, lunch, drink and utensils. Lunch is a time to socialize with friends and teachers. At lunch children learn to be responsible; opening lunch containers, setting out their own items, using good manners and cleaning up after themselves. It is important that every child feel successful so we encourage bringing containers that are easy for children to open by themselves.


Nap Time

State licensing requires all full day classes to provide a rest time for children. Child sized sleeping bags that fit in a regular pillowcase are required for every child. Children learn to be responsible for their sleeping bags by setting them out before nap and returning them to the pillowcase and then to the nap cubbie each day.


*Full-day afternoon schedule includes lunch, state-mandated rest/nap time, activity time, rug/circle time, snack, and outside/large motor activities.


Please contact the director at 608-255-3250 or e-mail director@tnpckids.com